Without having received direct instructions, a small group of Biomagnetism therapists, who had with them the book “Por Una Mejor Salud” (For a Better Health) by Cesar A. González Rivera (2014), decided to form a group to review and see only topics from it, giving the group the name of PUMS (from its initials in Spanish). Finally, it was determined that the contents of the book defined a different method to approach pathologies in a patient, thus, the PUMS Method was born.
Currently, César continues his research incorporating new results and tools for treatment. The PUMS book already has a second edition, expanded in 2018.
The PUMS Method is based on the Biomagnetic Pair, as another tool for treating etiological factors. Other tools and mechanisms were added that follow a sequence of traces in the body that detects the organ, tissue or component with affectation or Alteration Phenomenon (AP), its primary cause and the root cause, applying as well the optimal treatment for each of these factors.
The novelty about this method is its dynamics and the tools and mechanisms that are applied:
- Being able to use Bioionics instead of magnets
- Treat or instruct through a decree the structure or physiology of an organ or a component of the affected organism
- Project energetically an affected area to an illustration or photograph in order to track in it the affected organic structure, its AP and, therefore, its etiology
- Apply different tracking and treatment protocols for different systems or functional devices, such as Neural Balance, Quantum Memorial Flux (FCM for its Spanish initials) and Hydrostatic Arterial Pressure Tracking (measures the blood pressure in any specific point of the circulatory system)
- Track organic structures in pain through detection of Active Nociceptors (pain receptors)
- Track segments in the liver
- Track ethereal structures, and so on.
The above was explained under quantum factors, according to the principles of Quantum Entanglement, Superposition and Uncertainty.
The therapeutic range is for all pathologies, where we can principally find: neurocerebral or cerebrovascular, digestive, cardiovascular or circulatory, polyrheumatic or articulatory, diabetes, cancer, among others.
This method can be applied by anyone who has experience on using or applying question-and-answer mechanisms, such as kinesic (contraction / extension of the hemibody) or dowsing (pendulum or rods). It also requires at least a basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology, so by using an anatomical atlas you will be able to advance in its therapeutic management.
It is ideal for health professionals and biomagnetists.
It is necessary to know the concept of Biomagnetic Pair and the use of Bioenergetics to facilitate the application of this system.
It will help therapists to improve their efficiency when managing and interacting with their patients, and being able to know the root etiology and, therefore, find the most direct and real diagnosis to give an adequate treatment or the one that the body really needs.
Mariana is currently a therapeutic research collaborator for Cesar A. González Rivera, and one of the therapists certified by him to teach the technique.
César, Mariana and Dr. Angélica Reyes Navarrete established the VIRTUAL PUMS HOSPITAL in March 2020, which has been an altruistic and voluntary contribution with a group of 40 qualified therapists, caring for patients in delicate situations due to the pandemic.